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In 2007 a hacker and tech whiz named Virgil Griffith revealed that the CIA, FBI and a host of large corporations and government agencies were editing pages on Wikipedia to their own benefit (or the benefit of associates). Now Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger is reporting that the intelligence agencies are still at it, routinely editing pages relating to the Iraq War body count, treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and China’s nuclear program.

  • jimmydoreisaleftyOP
    10 months ago

    Not to your taste, all is good! Yeah, comments are from"fanboys", usually I keep to the video and see what crazy things the yt comments say. More than not some people suprise me with interesting knowledge I would not have thought about.

    Well, I can’t force you to watch it.

    Main point wikipedia is controlled by the establishment and alphabet gov’t orgs.

    I would be cautious when reading about people that go against the status quo.

    edit: first sentence

      510 months ago

      Yeah nah I know this probably is an issue, but I don’t like the way it’s conveyed. Imo clickbait consipracy theory is not making us more reflective and aware, but just more paranoid and delusional. It’s fastfood for thought in a different way.

      I’m just speaking from my opinion based on different channels with similar content, I don’t know the guy and his content specifically.

        310 months ago

        Your intuition is spot on. Jimmy Dore is a nutcase, maybe this video has some truth to it, but there is a really good exposure video by Shaun exposinh Dores intellectual dishonesty in length.