Both strangers or people you know?

    311 months ago

    Probably at least once a day? Not usually at men (so sorry, I know this is a problem for guys) unless I am confident they are not going to read more into it. I do feel old enough to be able to sometimes compliment younger guys, and have it received as just friendly not flirting.

    As someone else said - compliments on choices or achievements not personal attributes. Though usually it is on looks stuff “What a good hair day you are having”, or “that is a really good color for you” or “great shoes!” not “what a nice figure you have.”

    Work compliments I hand out freely, if someone does a good job that makes my job easier I try to always mention it, compliment the work and thank them.

      110 months ago

      There’s a high chance a semi-normal guy won’t read deeper into it.

      But he will hold onto it for years and years.