Things are going downhill far too quickly. Attention grabbing headlines and no useful content from articles rule the internet.

It makes no sense.

I cannot understand if this is due to AI, corporate greed, propaganda, or a mixture of all of the above.

I love exploring new and creative content. It brings me such great joy to learn new things.

Recently I’ve felt that I’ve been backed into a corner on every platform/service that I use and can’t get out of getting the same spoon-fed content they think I’ll like rather than allowing me to actually discover something fun and new.

  • AlmightySnoo 🐢🇮🇱🇺🇦
    7 months ago

    It’s because of marketing & blogging “gurus” giving advice like this:

    The goal is for you to… click the headline when you see it in Google search results or elsewhere, so that they can then convert your visit to ad revenue when you see their ads and/or click on them or even buy stuff through their affiliate links (mostly the case when they link you to a product on Amazon) in which case they’ll earn a commission.