• Pons_Aelius
    47 months ago

    Give us your experimental designs to verify or falsify all the things you listed:



    A creator of the universe

    Little people


    I personally believe none of it but show me how it can be proven using the scientific method.

      • Pons_Aelius
        7 months ago

        Environments suggesting an afterlife may be encountered via certain meditation techniques.

        What is your control group for this?

        Does people not experiencing this while mediating prove it does not exist. (I have been practising meditation for 20 years and have no indication of this)

        Interviews with children who recall past lives suggests reincarnation.

        Do interviews with children who do not recall pass lives invalidate this?

        Something fitting description of a “creator of the universe” may be encountered via certain meditation techniques.

        What is your control group for this?

        Does people not experiencing this while mediating prove it does not exist. (I have been practising meditation for 20 years and have no indication of this)

        Little people. Hmm. You got me there. But the literature is filled with reports.

        Literature is filled with shit people made up, it proves nothing scientifically.

        And of course, these methods unavoidably esoteric and depthy.

        Exactly, none of what you wrote is based on the scientific method.

          • @Zink
            77 months ago

            Observation is not looking at something and drawing a conclusion. It is noticing something, looking into that something, and then designing a controlled environment to test your observations to see whether you observed correctly.

            I can’t look at an apple for the first time and tell you whether or not it is ripe. I would first need to know what an apple should look like when it’s ripe based on what I find, and then make sure that an apple is ripe when it is in a certain condition.