I never found create interesting and it’s very tedious and it’s in almost every single 1.16+ modpack. I just never understood why seemingly everyone likes it so i would like to hear your opinions

Edit: Wish for good progression based modpacks for newer minecraft versions without Create, maybe thats my “beef” with the mod

  • Flax
    141 year ago

    Because it doesn’t give you everything on a silver platter. You actually have to engineer, thus, more creativity.

    • @MrStetson@suppo.fiOP
      21 year ago

      Fair, the one block machines do be magical and easy. And the engineering is different - for one block magic machines it’s along the lines of “which machines i need to automate this recipe”. With Create it’s like “How do I get this machine working optimally and how to use it in automation”, at least it felt like that in E6E