
I have an HP 360 which has a touch screen and I never found a DE that is great for both regular input and touch input.

Kde is great for regular stuff but meh with touch, gnome is the other way around.

I was thinking of trying out hyperland but didn’t look into it’s touch compitability.

Any suggestions?

I use arch btw.

  • @BCsven@lemmy.ca
    25 months ago

    GNOME is built for touch. if I rotate my HP laptop 90 degrees sideways, GNOME automatically rotates the screen to suit. Its why latest gnome has so many multifinger touch gestures for interacting with screen

      • @BCsven@lemmy.ca
        25 months ago

        I found the opposite, KDE felt Janky, GNOME is a cohesive experience built specific for touch gestures, tablet use etc