The president of the right-wing group spearheading Project 2025 raised the specter of violence Tuesday against those who refuse to capitulate to what he characterized as “the second American Revolution” ushered in by presumptive GOP nominee and would-be authoritarian Donald Trump.

Kevin Roberts, head of the Heritage Foundation, said in an appearance on “Real America’s Voice” that the coming “revolution” will “remain bloodless if the left allows it to be”—a thinly veiled threat against those who resist the far-right’s efforts to seize power.

Trump said in April that whether there is violence surrounding the 2024 presidential election “depends” on the “fairness” of the contest and the outcome.

Watch Roberts’ remarks:

“We are going to win. We’re in the process of taking this country back,” declared Roberts, who has said Project 2025 is “institutionalizing Trumpism” in preparation for a possible victory in November.

    3 months ago

    What’s going to be infuriating is when the killing starts, so many people will act like this was unavoidable.

    Remember being gaslit in 2016?

    • knightly the Sneptaur
      3 months ago

      It was unavoidable, because nobody in a position to do anything about it was willing to avoid it.

      We were set on this path in 2015 when the court ruled that the DNC is entirely within its rights to rig the primary. They chose not to run the most popular politician in the country because it was “Her Turn”, and in so doing gave the Presidency to Trump.

      Everything that has occurred since then could never have happened any other way. The backlash to Trump that put Biden in office despite pulling another fuckery on Bernie, and now the red wave of greivance against a “stolen election” that will give us Trump again.

      What’s infuriating is that, for the first time in a decade, I can’t predict the political future anymore. I’m not even willing to bet we’ll have elections in 2028, much less who the winners will be.

        3 months ago

        Biden was never the candidate who was going to make bold moves and enact the kind of change required to start to fix systemic problems . On his boldest day he could never have conceived anything like the New Deal and if he did it would be too terrified of rocking the boat to move on it. Biden was always just the safest way to beat Trump. And old white guy. The army of pointless op Ed writers wouldn’t have any oxygen to write breathless speculative articles about whether the country is ready for a woman/black/___ president. Not breaking any barriers. Safe. That’s it. He has done a lot of good work, but he is at his best uninspiring.

        Bernie was never going to win. Whatever the hypothetical polls show, whatever fuckery the DNC did, he was never going to win. The same country that elected Trump could never elect Bernie, it’s simply not possible. Bernie actually cares about making people’s lives better - he’s fought for it his whole life. He was with the civil rights movement. He was fighting along side gay rights activists way before it became mainstream. The American electorate as a whole doesn’t deserve him, and appropriately - could never elect him.