“The underlying problem is that Tumblr is not easy to use.”

  • autumn
    01 year ago

    I don’t understand the comment that it’s not easy to use? The tagging system is probably the most functional one for discovering fandom or aesthetically grouped content.

    The main gripes I gave are with the constant ui pushes to sign up for their app and their half assed way of dealing with nsfw content.

    • Ragnell
      1 year ago

      Easy to use is defined differently for the guys trying to make money off the site. For us, easy to use means easy to figure out the interface and find our friends. For them, easy to use means easy to find top-rated posts and ads.

      “Why don’t we have any influencers?” “Well, nothing pushes popular posts to people’s feeds.” “That’s horrible! We need to fix that to attract influencers!”