Nothing since a radio telescope isn’t a fucking speaker.
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AM doesn’t reach further than FM, it’s just that historically we’ve been using AM at lower frequencies, and these travel further. You could transmit with FM just as well on these frequencies, and get the same range.
These radio telescopes don’t transmit anything at all, they listen to radio waves coming from the cosmos. Much like a normal telescope doesn’t transmit light.
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These radio telescopes don’t transmit anything at all, they listen to radio waves coming from the cosmos. Much like a normal telescope doesn’t transmit light.
If you invert the flow of the electrons, a receiver becomes a transmitter.
Speakers can become bad microphones and vice versa. Pretty sure that a radio telescope is a very bad transmitter for human music, but it could be possible with some changes…
if you invert the flow of electrons, a receiver becomes a transmitter
Ehh not really. That’s kind of like saying if you invert the flow of photons, your eyes work as flashlights.
“It could be possible with some changes” the changes would amount to removing the receiver and replacing it with a transmitter. In this specific case I’m not sure if a transmitter already exists at this antenna and it’s definitely possible one does, but that’s not a guarantee at all
There is no such big differences between a light emitting (LED) and a light receiving diode (photodiode), they are just the reverse of each other. In fact photodiodes can even emit light, but very inefficiently. Same in reverse, LEDs can also detect light, just badly.
It seems like most efficient energy conversion methods can be used in both directions.
An LED (or photodiode used as one) is a fairly simplistic device compared to an assembled receiver / transmitter. Just like you can burn gasoline in a car but you can’t push a car to turn the engine to make gasoline - it’s a complex system that really only works one way.
Nothing gets burned or otherwise destroyed when receiving EM radiation via a dish and converted it into electricity via a receiver.
Sure, the amplification stage of the process likely works only one way, and should be replaced in order to send something.
The one way process of burning oil to generate heat seems much more primitive than the energy conversion offered by a diode, TBH.
You can push or tow an electric car and charge their batteries. Because electric motors are also generators.
Even with your simplistic fossil fuel car in your example the alternator within can also be used as a motor.
Yes, but you would blow out most of the amplification circuitry in a radio telescope reciver if you tried to use it for broadcast at any kind of power.
Aw boo! Where is your sense of fantasy!?
you must be fun at parties
I’m actually surprised you got so many up votes for that level of technical correctness. This is a tough room
the THX intro sound
Turn it up!
Pathetic, everyone knows that the BF3 intro will shake any rust off any car near by.
Nah, I can hear a shit ton more bass in the BF3 intro
That was dope was the game any good? I only played 2 but I loved it as a kid.
It was fantastic with a lot of comradery and clans. I wore out 3 Microsoft Sidewinder Joysticks playing it.
Darude - sandstorm
What song is that?
Dududududu Dududududu dududu
At first it goes like synth and then it is dudududu dudududu dudududu dudududu dudududu dududuuddududuuud shiuush dududududududuuuuddudddududududddududdudududduududududu
That’s true, but you shouldn’t forget that there is a large part of it that goes dudududuuuu dudududududuuuuu dudududududuuu dudududududuuuu
Darude - Sandstorm
The 1989 Belgian techno anthem Pump Up the Jam.
Pump Up the Jam is an anagram of ‘Jump Up the Pump’.
This song was played five times in a row at the funeral of director Stanley Kubrick.
Techtronic’s home planet, Earth, consists of 70% water.
If you isolate the individual drumbeats from this song and arrange them in a circle, it unlocks a cheat mode that allows you to pass through solid surfaces at will.
When Pump Up the Jam was first broadcast, audiences feared it was real, and that jam would be pumped into their homes.
The lyrics give clues to the location of a buried golden hare that has never been found.
Technotronic got their name by combining the word ‘techno’, meaning a sort of dance music, and ‘tronic’ meaning ‘tronic’.
The original 12-inch release of Pump Up The Jam came with a free horse.
At 7.16pm on December 28th 1879, Dundee’s Tay Bridge collapsed as a train passed over it. 60 passengers lost their lives.
Other musical acts whose names begin with ‘T’ include The Cure, The Isley Brothers, and The Velvet Underground.
It shouldn’t be overlooked that the initials of the song as PUTJ, which was the Myers-Brigg personality type (problematic-unfettered-thoughtful-judgemental) of the lead singer who was combating Foot-In-Mouth disease at the time.
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That was awesome! I never heard this band before!
Him? Him I excuse. But you? Pure unadulterated evil.
Well played. I’d forgotten all about that :-)
Darude, Sandstorm
Pump Up The Jam by Technotronic
You guys remember this?
dang you!
Well, we’re no strangers to love
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“Come here! I will help you conquer this world. Our civilization is no longer capable of solving its own problems. We need your force to intervene.”
(Not really, but…)
Calm down there, Ye Wenjie…
Unexpected Three Body Problem reference
Was it really that unexpected with this image?
Calm down there, Posadas…
Either Never Gonna Give You Up or Darude - Sandstorm
-The internet (10-15 years ago)
The brown note.
I shid
Everyone shad
Thou hath shod
Thus the great shaddening began.
Or maybe the brown note. If it was ever going to work it’d be through this.
Let’s be real, anything by The Prodigy on a speaker that size would fucking slay
Bigass subwoofer, blast Smack My Bitch Up, feel your soul exit your body.
A little off topic, did you ever watch this recreation of the song? Blows my mind!
That was awesome, thanks for sharing!
A (wo?)man of culture
Baby Shark
Each “Doo” could level a forest