30.01 Justyna Wydrzyńska, will stand for a trial. Last time, she was found “guilty of helping“ someone who asked for help. Justyna had sent abortion pills to Anna. Her abusive partner took first pack of pills away and called the cops. After all, Anna miscarried after using a Foley catheter, ended up in the hospital with sepsis, and barely survived.

6 trials, 1 conviction, over the INTENT to help someone.

For the past year, we hoped the new government in Poland, which campaigned on liberalization and decriminalization of abortion, would fulfill their promises. They came into power thanks to the extraordinary women’s mobilization, but this was just a lie - NOTHING has changed. Activist still has charges. Government even consider bringing back the abortion ban of 1993, saying that this is the ‘liberalization’ they promised us.

The situation with abortion is even worse - women turn to Abortion Without Borders for help later than they used to, trying to get an abortion in Polish hospitals because politicians announce everywhere that the situation is better now. These abortions are more problematic to organize and much more expensive. Donations and grants are lower since donors and foreign governments believed that “Polish women won the election.” ‘Donald Tusk guarantees democracy and women’s rights’, so we no longer need help…

Abortion Without Borders provides abortion to over 130 people in Poland EVERY DAY. Some of them, in wanted pregnancies with health risks, are forced to travel for medical care, even to Mexico, because French and Belgian hospitals are up to their limit.

Justyna is an expert, a guarantee of safe abortions. She should be protected not prosecuted. But we’re not giving up! Justyna and the Abortion Dream Team are opening AboYes - the first abortion clinic in Poland. Please support us:
💕Post solidarity messages #IamJustyna
💕Donate: https://abotak.org/en/

Thank you! With love
Polish abortionists


@worldnews @politics @world #abortion #humanrights #women

    • QuizzaciousOtter@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      As a Pole, I would really want that but unfortunately nothing suggests it will happen. For people who support this, the Euro-Side-Eye is just a confirmation that they are right.