Only a matter of time til they exclude the US with moves like this.
Just wait until Trump sends bombers against Ukraine to help his commander Putin.
G7 is about to become the G6 and for the same reason it’s not the G8
American here: please, for everyone’s sake, make this a reality.
Then Trump will personally invite Putin and Russia into a special “Friendship Union” with the US. We can call it FU2…
The USA: Soon to become a BRICS member
Uber icks
Add Kazakhstan and they can be R-BUICKS
Kazakhstan unironically has better politics nowadays than the US
very excited for the US to get sidelined.
it’s needed a wake-up call for a while
please god make it soon. our government is channeling resources into pro-russian action and the aim is a single imperial ruler over the entire world, and then a thousand years of darkness (using the classical dark-age terminology)
Skip us
It would be really nice if the Canadian Government didn’t let the Felon attend the G7 meeting this summer.
Or at least put on a mildly humiliating show of making an exception to our strict border laws about letting felons in.
Trump (or, his administration anyway) has to fill up the same paperwork that anyone in his situation has to fill up in order to be let in. Same thing was happening with GWB because of his DUI!
The Felon can still be denied entry even if he fills out the paperwork. Simply filling out the paper does not guarantee someone entry into Canada.
Sure, I’m just saying that the paperwork is still done just the same, talking about him being prevented from entering is moot, it won’t happen.
They could have put out a press release, made a big show vote whether to let him in, made a thousand reports about him being a special exception for immigration laws
From the article …
The “shadow fleet” refers to ageing oil tankers, the identities of which are hidden to help circumvent western economic sanctions imposed on Moscow since it launched its full-scale military invasion of Ukraine at the start of 2022.
the draft G7 statement seen by Bloomberg News shows the US pushed to remove the word “sanctions” as well as wording citing Russia’s “ability to maintain its war” in Ukraine by replacing it with “earn revenue”.