Why do we even need this
Its annoying that we need a fact check on this sovereign citizen like non reasoning. Heres one of mine. since nixon was impeached all actions by republican presidents are null and void. sorry. nixon got impeached. now no president of his party is lawful.
Step 1: Blue wave in 2026
Step 2: Constitutional amendment, any president gets impeached 3x by house, their party must dissolve. Asset forfeiture, and oust every politician and appointee in federal government. Practically suspend Congress until that all gets completed, Only procedural ‘keep the lights on’ stuff. You wanna keep your job? Beg to the committee, demonstrate non-complacency with all of the convictions through voting records and published text, and maybe you can run for re-election as an independent.
Step 3: Impeach Trump again
Step 4: Repeal the amendment. Can’t keep that genie out for too long, it will be used against you. Or, alternatively, makes it necessary to splinter both parties and adopt alternative voting. That’s probably even better. Having too many eggs in a basket makes for a big liability if you hold the executive.
Ahh…a man can dream…
Is Trump right
that Biden’s pardon are void? No.Just because he’s a fat, hypocritical, dementia and cocaine addled doesn’t mean that he isn’t going to make this true with his brown shirt justice department.
Until Little t orders DoJ to charge someone for something that Biden pre-emptively pardoned them for, this is an unanswered question.
This is one of those few hard lines he could cross that would actually get me in the street. This, running for a 3rd term., probably something else too.
Trump seriously needs someone to explain to him that the whole point of pardons is that they cannot be un-pardoned.
We individually need to decide at what point has Trump gone too far
At what point will we say “Enough is enough. We are no longer a democracy. We have nothing else to lose except our lives.”
I fear civil war is upon us and we will see the first shots fired within the next four years.
For almost the last decade I have tried to be very accepting of death. Life and death are equally fine on my feet. My wife to. I love her but I don’t want to live with her on our knees. We live decently or we die.
He said it’s for the court to determine.