Thanks, Jagmeet.
Ndp is so underrated. If they had power we’d see way more progress towards things Canadians can actually benefit from
Unfortunately Jagmeet overplayed his hand in a blunt fashion and lost his power.
The NDP seems to do very well puppeteering a minority red gov. The blues will never deal and NDP needs the flatlanders to take federal power.
Yup, you are absolutely right. They figure out a way, but that comes at a cost
Jagmeet’s the only leader who fulfilled some of his election promises.
But Trudeau legalized weed! That was the only promise he fulfilled. I wish he did the whole election reform stuff but we can get high after we vote!
He also started us on the $10 a day daycare. It’s not universal yet but that’s still huge for tens of thousands of families.
Except that there aren’t enough subsidized placements so lots of parents can’t use the system.
Like I said, it’s not universal yet but it’s still been huge for tens of thousands of parents.
Edit: Sorry, that was brusque. I just think starting a transformative national daycare program that looks solid however nascent, is pretty impressive. Between a pandemic, record inflation, land war in europe AND starting a transformative new dental health program, I personally am okay with solid beginnings for now. In ten years, if these programs hold and expand properly, I might find myself impressed with Trudeau’s legacy.
Indeed, cannabis legalization is amongst the best things a government has ever done for its citizens.
In the 1979 election, Joe Clark promised to make mortgage payments tax deductable (or a tax credit type of thing.)
Sadly, his government only lasted about 8 months…
This really should have been provincially funded healthcare, if any of our premiers decided to operate in their own jurisdictions.
They have jurisdiction to cut costs, but implementing anything is the federal government’s job apparently.
The provinces L O V E their little fiefdoms and will fight tooth-and-nail to keep them.
(Fyi I’m not ignoring this is in our Constitution. I’m just focusing on the fact that premiers can be selfish little fucks more often than not.)
cough Ontario’s NDP 2018 cough cough
One of the things I remember most from my childhood is my father screaming in pain due to tooth decay he couldn’t get treatment for because of how expensive a trip to the dentist was. Man would try using whiskey as an antiseptic which did fuck all and ended up costing us more for his alcohol as a family when that became his drink of choice afterwards over beer.
The NDP is in dire need of new leadership. I genuinely think Jagmeet is a great guy, but he really should be making a publicity campaign of the NDP’s accomplishments here, and him not doing so to the degree he should be is just the latest in a line of leadership decisions he’s made that have disappointed me. I want to vote NDP in the upcoming election, but even putting aside the movement to back the Liberals to keep Polievre out of office, I’ll be voting Liberal unless they have a change in leadership and leadership strategy.
Gonna go so far as to say the same with the Greens while I’m at it cause the entire kerfuffle they’ve had with Annamie Paul basically fracturing the party, and seeing Elizabeth May as their leader again isn’t doing any favours considering how hard she and other party leadership pushed for Paul over Dimitri Lascaris, who I feel would have been a much better party leader.
I was hoping to get lazer teeth. Would this pay for it, or, knowing it’s a Liberal plan, would I have to move to the lowest income bracket first?
if your family income is less than 90k you can apply.
anybody making above that likely already has dental insurance, or can certainly afford to get it.
and this plan doesnt cover cosmetic dentistry. so no, no lazer teeth for you, lol. just cleanings, fillings, extractions, that sort of necessary dentistry for maintenance and health.
The government says all Canadians who have household incomes of less than $90,000 and don’t have private insurance will be able to apply for the program over the month of May.
So, I’d have to lose my job to be eligible, or my wife lose hers, and we’d both have to lose our health plans. Got it.
Conservatives: Tax Breaks for the Rich!!
Liberals: Tax Breaks for the Poor!!
Nobody ever: Tax Breaks for the Middle Class!!
If you have a health plan, you’re already covered. That’s for peopke who don’t have private insurance or can’t afford it…
My company has a package with dental coverage. The difference between that package and the one without is approximately the cost of the dental coverage, so I’d actually lose money if we didn’t use all of it. Does this mean I’m not eligible?
You’re priviledge enough to have access to dental insurance coverage. That’s more than the majority of Canadians. These types of programs are for those who can’t afford them.
It targets the most needy, you’re arguing for equality, this is not equality, it’s equity…
I’m I saying your life is perfect? Nope, I’m sure you could get better dental insurance. But you’re in a position where you can argue, poke your employer about it, it’s already offered to you.
Old people and poor people are not in your position, they can’t have it.
Plus, if you went to the dentist twice a year, like you’re supposed to, I’m sure your coverage would pay for itself easy.
I question your reading comprehension. The dental coverage costs very nearly as much as it pays for. If I remember correctly, I have to use over 90% of what it pays out to break even. This means if I only use 90% of my ‘coverage’ I actually lose money. My feelings of gratitude for my privilege are immeasurable, much like that of a serf whose master only beats him once a week instead of twice. In fact, the gratitude for access to this ‘coverage’ is so great that I don’t know of a single employee who has opted for it. Now, tell me, when is the last time you heard of a Canadian employee turning down dental benefits? I hadn’t even conceived of such a thing until I came across this.
That corporate dental plan isn’t paid for by employers. We pay for it. And what happens if I need multiple visits? Between multiple family members, those fillings, root canals, and crowns? Those funds run out fast, even with two health plans. This plan stops covering you at age 65. You know, the year old age security begins? Retirees, who are long without any corporate coverage, are getting dropped by the government coverage too? This whole thing is just another “look like we’re doing the right thing, but make as few people eligible so we can do it on the cheap” bullshit like they always do. Why not coverage for fucking all of us? I would happily drop my corporate dental plan to use a universal dental plan, fully aware that this would increase taxes.
What they anmounced is that they are expanding the current plan to allow people below 65 to apply.
Like, all you guys complaining about it either seem to not actually read about the subject or get your information from very biased sources.
I’m not saying this plan is perfect, I’m not saying your lives are perfect and that you don’t deserve a true universal dental plan but the subject is far more complex isn’t it? Because health is managed by provinces and it’s super fucking political when the federal government touches it… it took a lot of work from Jagmeet Singh to get just that expansion of the current plan.
Stop with the fucking cynism and fight for better instead of whatever the fuck you guys are doing in this thread.
I still think this was a mistake, dental industry needs better regulation before we subsidize all the private practice with this dental plan. It can and should be much cheaper.
I do not think it is a mistake, this needs to happen however I do agree there need to be better regulations. 100% needs to mean 100%, I recently discovered I could apply for coverage. I got the documentation I called up the dentist when I got my card and booked an appointment, I was informed that even though I am 100% covered it does not mean I am 100% covered. I have been putting off major dental things for about 6 years now so I decided I would go in and get the ball rolling. Once the bill is paid in a week or two, I will be starting a human rights complaint. Although Saskatchewan’s Human Rights Commission is a joke right now maybe I can get something done.
Leave it to the little people to push the buttons.
Here are some of the requirements for registering for the dental plan.
I am registered, I am covered “100%” but I still have to pay a few $100’s. I have a card and everything.
You are covered “100%” of a fee they pulled out of thin air. They’ve essentially invented a fee guide without any input from the different provincial dental associations. These invented fees are of course lower than standard fees. How would it ever make sense that a procedure would cost exactly the same across the country, from the fanciest office downtown somewhere, to a minimalist office in someone’s house in a rural area? They chose to cover less than what the latter would charge.
It sucks that Sun Life is deceitful in presenting the plan and it’s easy for them to paint dentists in a negative light. I’m sorry you’re getting played like this, much like everyone else is!
Exactly this.
Found examples of the co-pay.
- Gov covers middle-to-low fees
- We go to the low/mid fee ones
- Rich people complain and go to the high fee ones
- High fee ones slowly go extinct
Okay, so #4 is an unproven wish that ever happens in a Public-private slippery-slope system, but that’s got to be what they pitched.
It could be that you require services that are not covered under the plan.
No 100% does not mean 100% with the dental care plan. I am only doing stuff that covered.
I dunno then. If it were me I’d be asking the dentist why there’s a co-pay.
Forgive me for asking, but I’m not sure how this could be framed as subsidizing private practices?
In my mind, despite flaws with the program, relieving the cost of treatment for patients is worth it.
Yeah, lets just wait, long enough and you can just switch to “ItS tOo LaTe”, “lets pay consultants to cost more than the dental program and throw our hands up because we no longer have enough since we paid for all that feasabillity study”