Why do I feel like I’m participating in market research
Got em guys. I took down Mr. Bic
If that were the case, I would imagine that they would have picked a website with a much larger user base.
For more accurate/representative research data.
But Reddit is saturated with others already doing market research. Lemmy is young and fertile, ready for a creepy old ad man to prey on.
I never said anything about reddit
I heard you whisper it
Yes you did. Indirectly. It’s the ultimate market researcher aggregate. There’s no other place
I’ve never touched a mechanical pencil that didn’t suck. 7 is awful, I don’t understand what people like about it. The only choice on this is 2.
3 Kuru Toga
You missed an option.
The fact that Rotring, Staedtler, Faber-Castell, and K&E mechanical pencils are missing is deeply troubling.
I also have an emotional thing for the Pentel P200 series, and the Pentel Techniclick in black has been my absolute personal favourite for light-duty scribbling and note-taking/math since the 90s.
We’ve taken way too many things that don’t need to be plastic and made them plastic
I’m surprised nobody else has rotring… my favorite by a considerable amount. Second place goes to the Uni Kuro Toga. Both fantastic pencils, but the weight and feel of the rotring 600 just leaves everything else in the dust
The rotring is super smooth, but its so heavy. I wanted it to be my favorite, but I ended up reaching for the kuro toga far more. Doesnt help that the tip of the rotring bent and dented out on the first drop. I bent it back and it still works, as long as I don’t rotate it.
So I thought the uni would be a neat way to use thicker lead but avoid the weird slant in longer sessions. But I don’t write in kanji (sp?) and with my mutated cursive alot of my letters string together. So the rotation is not nearly enough, and I end up still getting the weird slant thing on my lead. Only then it’s worse because after I build up a flat surface, it rotates a little bit and then the edge is all wrong.
Yessss. Use a 500 daily
Love to see it! Your eraser game needs some leveling though 😋, may I introduce you to this bad boy:
Does it come in red? 😂
Definitely though, might need to look around
Unfortunately no, but if you don’t care about it being metal then yes they make a red one!
I have the same phone as you. I love that it’s red.
Agreed! Not even my favorite color, but it looks so good on a phone.
I specifically looked for red haha.
I’d like to discuss the flashlight. ?
the correct answer
Full metall you say? Damnn.
I didn’t know about this brand and now I have been pushed into extensive research of their whole lineup of mechanical pens.
The 800 looks amazing but I’ve heard some people complaining about the nib being a bit wobbly, is that true in your experience?
I don’t have a problem with the tip being wobbly, but it’s definitely a concern. I think its just a problem that you would get with any retractable tip pencil.
IMO, even if it did wobble, it’s worth the inconvenience. I used to have a mechanical pencil with a non-retractable tip & one drop ruined it.
IIRC the 600 is pretty much the same pencil but with a non retractable tip. It might be better for you unless you carry it around.
That’s like an allergen for ADHD
Damn straight. Best pencil I’ve ever had. Well, the 0.5mm. I write too small for 0.7.
.5mm or .3mm for me, the only place I use a .7mm or a .9mm is with woodworking.
I love 0.3. I would love a Rotring one if they made it. My only one is an Alvin Draftmatic.
Number 2 is the only one that can write effectively on wood. I may not build a lot, but when I have tried to use a mechanical pencil for marking wood, it was a total fail.
METAL KURU TOGA MY GOAT 👑 👑 👑 🐐 🐐 🐐 🔥🔥🔥
3 Kuru Toga. Every time
I’m a pen/pencil freak who’s spent an amazing amount of money on them, and I’d choose 2.
I’d rather fucking kill myself.
7th one