The Associated Press found goods linked to prisoners wind up in the supply chains of everything from Frosted Flakes to Coca-Cola.

  • Battle Masker
    165 months ago

    Where the fuck has the Associated Press been? That’s like US’s worst-kept secret. Like there’s entire movies about all that

  • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
    135 months ago

    Lookin at you, Idaho potatoes! It didn’t click for me for an embarrassing amount of time why I rarely saw potato fields despite living all over Idaho. They keep them all by the prisons, and tuck the prisons out of sight

    • flipht
      125 months ago

      Yet another terrible thing about prisons - they target policing in urban areas where the population is high and tends to vote Democrat. Once arrested, tried, and convicted, that person is sent to a prison in the middle of nowhere - and now counts toward the population of that area, but cannot vote themselves.

      Population is used to determine how congressional districts get allocated, and they haven’t increased the number of congressional seats in decades. So as the prison population rises, they are gaining seats at the expense of urban areas losing the same number.

      It’s literally an updated version of the 3/5 compromise.

  • NutWrench
    75 months ago

    Slavery never went away. It just became more profitable.

  • Maeve
    25 months ago

    This is why we don’t addreACEs, multigenerational trauma and rehabilitation, homelessness, conditions of despair. We need to get loud about it and stay loud.