I really like this new blog. Reminds me of ukresistance.
That last reveal made me cackle.
That’s commitment.
Not from US or UK, but all game magazines I can remember from the 90s and early 00s had that kind of snarky tone in some way really. They loved taunting their readers, and some even trash talked a lot.
In several of those, there was a specific character whose whole job was to answer reader’s mail in the most antagonistic way possible. Of course part of the game was readers expecting to be treated like shit, and writing in an exaggerated need rage and aggressive tone themselves.
IIRC even Nintendo Power had an acerbic fan mail section
This is hilarious. Just the general tone of the articles in that magazine has the sort of edgy millennial pseudo-cool that we all loved back then 🤭
FF8 is the best
I love it. My only “complaint” is that junctioning discourages using the magic. But that’s fine. I’ll just hit em with my awesome sword that just so happens to also be a gun.
Glorious lol. Totally worth the short read.
8 beats 7 in most ways, but 7 has a better and more coherent story. At least Clouds memory wipe makes sense, where as 8 is like i onno, gfs did it. 8 had deeper customization and so many hillarious way to break the game, a sick card game, a bigger more realistic world and still quite a good story even with the plot holes.
But there is no denying that the characters in 7 are much more Iconic to the series. There is a reason 7 got tapped for a remake and not 8 or 9 or even 6. I would do unspeakable things to see a modern version of Kefka just, being a massive douche in the world of balance.
I have to applaud the dedication to the bit. Show that complainer whats what.
I think VII being the first 3D FF also was a big reason for being so suited to remake. VI still looks awesome today, it’s peak pixel art era and a lot of the sprites are really beautiful. Original VII looks like pure ass. Nothing has aged worse graphically than old, first generation 3D games.
I’m with you completely though, VI is my favorite and a modernized version would be a sight to see. I wonder what they’d do with the opera scene.
Make me cry is what they would do with the opera scene
Man, that punchline at the end of the article. That’s amazing. I wish I could retroactively subscribe to them to support that level of prank.
Ive not seen something play out so beautifully 😍😍😍
I love the commitment to it, especially the spine reveal. It’s a shame they were shut down soon after they finished it, but what a note to go out on.
Now that’s some trolling, holy shit lol
Find someone that loves you like GameNOW loves that Final Fantasy screenshot.
Now that is a level of spite I can get behind.
What a shame that this gameNOW never made it to my country, seems like something I would find really funny, congrats to the hater.
“Blue skies in games”. There’s a blast from the past! Is UK:R still going?
I don’t think so.
Turns out the site is still up, but they officially closed in 2011.