Just a general thread about running. How’s your running going? What are you training for? Did you get new shoes? Sporting an injury etc.
Managed to drag myself out of bed late this morning. Doggo had been patiently waiting for an extra hour or so. Had a headache, didn’t want to go… Managed a PB in the end, sub 25/5. Feels good man.
Nice! Sub-25 for a 5 km is a big milestone, you should be proud of that. I managed a sub-25 again today at Parkrun. 24:45, but I had to work so hard for it. The entire second half was a massive struggle and I probably looked ridiculous at the finish line lying down on the ground gasping for air lol
That’s amazing! Legit proud of you!
Weird week for it. HR was all over the place, parkrun I was a bit sore and slow still from the weeks running.
Picked up a set of Timp 4, my Peregrines left my feet sore on my long runs, 5 miles now. Did the 5 mile run in the Timps yesterday, love the toe room and they didn’t hurt my mid foot like Lone Peaks do. I still love the Peregrines they work great on more textured trails when I want to pretend I’m a goat.
Still struggling with motivation. My running budy moved, now I have to run alone so its way easier to skip a day.
Finally on the tail end of a colitis flair that has prevented me from training for my first half-marathon at the end of September! I was able to do an easy 3 mile stroller run after work today.
…stupid watch, I’m pushing myself here man!