There is 3000 minutes in 50h. You need
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There is 3000 minutes in 50h. You need
I know nothing about southern sweet tea, but here are few things I know:
If the tea leaves are broken, like in tea bags, the tea will get bitter more easily. Try getting some good quality whole leaf tea.
There is no such thing as low caffeine tea. Only less tea. Some brands/producers might make claims about the caffeine content of their tea, but as far as I know, there is no way to grow low caffeine tea.
Tea contains considerable amount of oxalates. If you or someone in your family has problems with kidney stones, you might want to keep your daily tea intake within safe limits.
One thing you might want to try is grandpa style brewing. Grandpa style brewing means, you put some tea leaves in a big mug or bottle and you keep refilling it with water as you drink from it. Many kinds of teas (green, white, black, etc.) can work for this type of brewing, but you might need to use less leaves as you would when brewing some other way.
Not to mention the increase in medical costs. Cutting people in half is probably pretty difficult and costly procedure, and the halves would probably need pretty intense care to keep them alive.
I would still call it flavored tea. If the tea only contains dried pieces of plants, without added extracts, etc. it falls in the category of traditionally flavored teas, in my simplified categorization. Those pieces can also be called inclusions.
Ginger tea is something you could make at home. Buy some tea leaves and either fresh or dried ginger, and mix them together. Jasmine tea is more difficult, as dried jasmine flowers loses their taste. To make jasmine tea, you either need to use extracts or you need to use fresh flowers which are allowed to dry while mixed with tea leaves. Tea leaves are like sponges: they absorb scents/odors. In many commercial teas, jasmine flowers are used only for visual appeal. The taste is added with extracts.
That’s pretty much what their lawyer said. The lawyer said that oil tanker only cares about getting their cargo from point a to point b as quickly as possible, and that they would have no intention of losing their anchor.
It has been reported that two of the data cables were severed and the other two damaged. And the dragging track might be up to 100 km long.
The plane belly landed and slid on the runway. If there were enough flat ground for the plane to come to a stop, the passengers would have been more or less fine (assuming the plane wouldn’t have caught on fire). Instead, the plane turned into a fireball immediately it hit the wall. Of course, there were other obstacles behind the runway which the plane might have hit, but the plane would have also lost some speed before hitting them.
The plane didn’t hit a concrete fence. Right after the runway there was a strong concrete block that housed some antennas. Those antennas didn’t need such reinforced structure. This accident would have been much less severe, if that concrete block weren’t there.
By hybrid, I think you mean flavored teas. Flavoring can be roughly divided in two categories: artificial and traditional.
Artificial flavoring includes use of different kinds of extracts, such as oils, and other kinds of flavoring agents. I’m not a big fan of this type of flavoring. It’s often used to mask the taste of low quality tea leaves, and the tea is often so strongly flavored that you can’t even taste the tea at all. Artificial flavors, especially the cheaper ones, tend to have one dimensional taste. They can have good strong taste and scent, but you might get bored of the taste quickly.
Traditional means the use of traditional flavoring methods. This can mean mixing some actual plant parts, like flowers or fruits, with the tea leaves. Tea leaves can also be dried in containers that give flavor to the tea leaves. This type of flavoring gives more complex taste and the flavoring is often used to enhance, not replace, the taste of the tea leaves. Rose buds, for example, are commonly used in flavored teas. Genmaicha is traditional Japanese green tea which is flavored with roasted rice. There are also stuffed tangerine tea, which are made by stuffing empty tangerine shells full of tea leaves and then drying them.
And then there are tisanes, sometimes called herbal infusions or herbal teas. Tisanes doesn’t contain any tea, or any other caffeine containing plants. They are nice option if you want some caffeine-free hot drink.
Jossain uutisessa sanottiin, että varjolaivastoon saattaa kuulua tuhansia laivoja. Yhden laivan tai laivayhtiön lisääminen jonkin listan jatkeeksi ei kauheasti vaikuta asioihin.
Problem here is that these ships aren’t Russia’s vehicles. Eagle S, the one that most likely caused these damages, is registered to Cook Islands, and is owned by Dubain company. And then there is international maritime law, that among other things doesn’t allow blockades.
Also a power cable Estlink 2 was cut. Finnish authorities have seized a vessel called Eagle S for likely having caused the damages. Finland’s border guards were close by when it happened, and they saw that Eagle S’s anchor was missing.
EDIT: YLE’s news about it in English:
“I’m outta here, this world is doomed”
Well, english is not my first language, but according to Google (they get their word meanings from Oxford) “confirm” means “establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed or suspected to be the case).” Perhaps in this specific situation “confirm” has different meaning?
Also, there is a lot wrong how science is communicated in popular media. Taking singular study, coming up with sensational (and incorrect) title and making statements that aren’t in line with the study is not the way how science should be communicated. Even if there are multiple news outlets writing numerous such articles doesn’t make it right, correct or even acceptable.
new study confirms
No it doesn’t. Their conclusion is “This study strengthens the evidence that active commuting has population-level health benefits and can contribute to reduced morbidity and mortality.”
If you can still separate the pieces: Take some big enough flat surface (has to be very flat) and cover it with sandpaper. Sand the pieces until they are completely flat. They will then connect without any gap in between.
Se on aamupäivä luettava kirjoja kynttilän valossa.
For the uninitiated:
Korjaus korjausaikataulun korjattuun korjausaikatauluun:
Edit 3. 20.11.2024 kello 10.20. Päivitys korjausaikatauluun. Tämän hetken tiedon mukaan laitoksen sähköntuotantoa päästään jatkamaan perjantaina 21.11.2024.
Edit 4. 20.11.2024 kello 12.10. Korjaus edelliseen päivitykseen. Laitoksen sähköntuotantoa päästään jatkamaan jo torstaina 21.11.2024, mutta perjantaihin asti laitosta ajetaan pienemmällä tehotasolla.
Pienempi tehotaso on 1310 MW. Normaaliin tehotasoon päästään perjantaina klo 01:00.
Itse kävin tänään hakemassa Matkahuollon paketin automaatista, eikä minun onneksi tarvinnut säätää minkään sovelluksen kanssa. Koodi tuli tekstiviestinä ja sähköpostina. Sähköpostissa toki mainostettiin sovellusta. Sillä olisin kuulemma voinut paremmin seurata paketin kulkua. Vaan eipä se paketti mihinkään enää kulkeutunut, koska se jo oli saapunut määränpäähänsä.