• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • It’s the capability of a program to “reflect” upon itself, I.E. to inspect and understand its own code.

    As an example, In C# you can write a class…

    public class MyClass
        public void MyMethod()

    …and you can create an instance of it, and use it, like this…

    var myClass = new MyClass();

    Simple enough, nothing we haven’t all seen before.

    But you can do the same thing with reflection, as such…

    var type = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
    var constructor = type.GetConstructor(Array.Empty<Type>());
    var instance = constructor.Invoke(Array.Empty<Object>());
    var method = type.GetMethod("MyMethod");
    var delegate = method.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action), instance);

    Obnoxious and verbose and tossing basically all type safety out the window, but it does enable some pretty crazy interesting things. Like self-discovery and dynamic loading of plugins, or self-configuration of apps. Also often useful when messing with generics. I could dig up some practical use-cases, if you’re curious.

  • I think the big reasons for most people boil down to one or both of two things:

    A) People having 0 trust in Google. I.E. people do not believe that paying for their services will exempt them from being exploited, so what’s the point?

    B) YouTube’s treatment of its content creators. Which are what people actually come to YouTube for. Advertisers and copyright holders (and copyright trolls) get first-class treatment, while the majority of content creators get little to no support for anything.

  • Yeah, they hotfixed that like 5 minutes after launch, and it took a little while for Steam to catch up for everyone.

    FactoryGameSteam.exe is definitely correct, probably because they now maintain FactoryGameEpic.exe and maybe a couple others, for the console releases they"re working on. But they seem tobhave neglected to instruct Steam that the exe name had change, so Steam was still looking for FactoryGame.exe. Renaming the file was an effective workaround for the first hour or so.