I am but a scavenger of memes, rather than a creator, but thank you all the same! 😊
Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.
I am but a scavenger of memes, rather than a creator, but thank you all the same! 😊
Meow vs. Miaou for example (that’s a French accent)
Explanation: Alexander the Great led Macedonia to victory over the Persian Empire, conquering everything in his path, and often renaming city after city after city after himself. However, after some 20 years of campaigning, his troops were ready to go home, and mutinied near modern-day India. Alexander only reluctantly turned back, and soon after died.
Ah, I can help here! Latin in the western provinces of the Empire never replaced the native languages, but co-existed alongside it. In addition, Romans regarded all (or most) deities as the same gods, just worshipped under different names - the interpretatio romana. So the worldview propagated by Roman religion was that the Celtic god of war and the Roman god of war were the same being, just worshipped under different names.
This led to traditional Celtic gods of war like Lenus being worshipped as Mars, Mars being worshipped as ‘Mars Lenus’, and Romans worshipping traditional Celtic gods of war - and to the Roman worldview, and the worldview they encouraged amongst the provincials, these were all the same essential respectable act.
So while the people here were speaking their own traditional language of Gaulish, ‘Mars’ was just a synonym to them for the native god they were worshipping (or vice-versa, if you prefer). Possibly used because curse tablets were a Graeco-Roman religious tradition, and it may have felt more ‘natural’ to refer to the god being requested in the Roman way, since they were using a Roman rite?
If you edit the post and reupload there, it’ll replace it nice and smooth-like, I believe!
I wish I believed that.
Explanation: Brutus, the most famous of the assassins of Julius Caesar, is, has been, and probably will always be a divisive figure. Even back in the Renaissance, the same argument was going on - great artists of the period often took different sides of the debate.
Brutus was optimate scum and deserved worse than he got
If they don’t want to have to deal with rules preventing them from abusing their fellow users
That’s… not at all what I said.
I’m also going to be completely blunt, I don’t believe you that having to respect the choice of pronouns of transgender users isn’t the issue. I think you’re lying to cover for them.
I’m lying to cover for the trans folk on the mod team saying that they will continue to respect neopronouns and enforce rules against misgendering on the .world comm.
As I understand it, it wasn’t a singular disagreement, but a number of incidents in which, as I said, the 196 mods didn’t want to have their own moderation decisions reversed or second-guessed if 196’s ruleset was in compliance with the requirements of the instance.
That would be more appropriate, but unfortunately for the term, it’s not so.
Oh look, I’m in hell
Unfortunately, I don’t know many general histories of the US in, uh, general. Modern academia has left behind most of the stuff we think of kids being taught by moldy school textbooks, but those selfsame textbooks are often resistant to academic consensus (thanks, Texas) that has been around since the 1970s.
There’s a Cambridge History of America and the World that’s an excellent starter, but it’s several volumes long and, uh, in the true spirit of academic literature, horrifically fucking expensive. I hear there are places on the Fediverse which give good advice about the high seas for such matters though
Take a sip from the goonsack
Please let this be a speedrun. Just end it. Reconstruct us, please; denazify us. Apparently, we need it.
It’s very poor scholarship. Challenging the dominant narrative of nationalist mythology is important, but not in a way that disregards history.
“Trump won’t even be that bad, you LIBERALS are just fearmongering!”
God. It’s going to be a long [insert period of time here]