Okay, you do you. But I stand by ALL I’ve said.
Okay, you do you. But I stand by ALL I’ve said.
I’ll die for Greenlands sovereignty, given the chance.
Your view of this, is part of the reason it’s happening at all. Apathetic slug.
Id rather die fighting than submit to apathy. Your further input is not required.
I didn’t say that, you imagined it. And i know they’re not, hence the question. Got anything that might actually further the discussion or just crap?
How long is the rest of the world gonna watch a fascist regime thrive before they intercede?
It really is, and it’s probably not even in the top 10 of what fungi does for a biosphere.
I disagree entirely.
I don’t agree with that at all, if you don’t or can’t understand the terms of a contract, you sign at your own peril, expecting the government to step in everytime a person decides to excercise their stupidity is authoritarian and leads to a bloated, innefficient system. This thinking just makes contracts meaningless, it just means you can claim ignorance everytime you sign into a contract you don’t like.
Regulating food is whole different game for a number of reasons, i dont think it’s a reasonable comparison.
Tautology is a new word to me, love it.
Trumps more stupid then evil, mark of the fat and stupid maybe.
Blame the person you are related to. Duh.
Oh thanks, I’ll keep my eyes open for that that I dont know what it looks like.
A rape victim didn’t sign a contract saying that would happen if they went dont that alley. That’s the difference.
There is no bad guy in this case, just an idiot and a company.
Smoking daily is more than what i would call casual use. You need time to allow your receptors to unblock, thats why people can blow out their tolerance so quickly. Every other day is probably a bit over the line I would draw for casual use. But the line is diferent for everyone I guess.
100% … The quicker men and women stop treating individuals like men and women are all that different outside constructed social systems, the happier everyone will be.
Cannabis is only really dangerous at the extremes of use, and paranoia is a possibility, as well as cortical shrinkage and depression. Like alcohol or tabacco, proper restraint should be used.
New Zealand understands this, you can sign away a companies liability to yourself. For adventure tourism stuff mostly. It’s a good and fair way to do things I think.
Yeah boys, anger is a fear response, not proof you’re tough.
Excellent, all is well then.