• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • First of all ignore the trends. Fuck docker, fuck nixos, fuck terraform or whatever tech stack gets shilled constantly.

    Find a tech stack that is easy FOR YOU and settle on that. I haven’t changed technologies for 4 years now and feel like everything can fit in my head.

    Second of all, look at the other people using commercial services and see how stressed they are. Google banned my account, youtube has ads all the time, the app for service X changed and it’s unusable and so on.

    Nothing comes for free in terms of time and mental baggage

  • It is unrealiatic, that in a stable software release there is suddenly, after you tested your backup a hard bug which prevents recovery.

    How is unrealistic? Think of this:

    • day 1: you backup your files, test the backup and everything is fine
    • day 2: you store a new file that triggers a bug in the compression/encryption algorithm of whatever software you use, now backups are corrupted at least for this file Unless you test every backup you do, and consequently can’t backup fast enough, I don’t see how you can predict that future files and situations won’t trigger bugs in a software

  • Going unmaintained is a non issue, since you can still restore from your backup. It is not like a subscription or proprietary software which is no longer usable when you stop to pay for it or the company owning goes down.

    Until they hit a hard bug or don’t support newer transport formats or scenarios. Also the community dries up eventually