@Archie9005 love your art style!
Norwegian proto with a taste for shitposting
Deeply sorry for my photoshop creations
</> github.com/ProtoSparky
🌐 ProtoSparky.uk
📷 samsung s21 ultra
🐾 🤖
Due to kbin’s issues, I’ve left this instance and settled at blåhaj.zone. See you there!
@Archie9005 love your art style!
@fossilesque looks like federation is broken, so I can’t directly reply to your comment, but :xq is save and quit, :q! is quit without saving.
@fossilesque id just swap the vim commands :xq and :q! and watch the world burn
Can confirm, It did autofill “Design an image of a potato”. Have no idea why Microsoft tried to be so ambitious with such a complex thing as a potato.
Apple pie?
Why was this child not offered some support music, or anything that could help them sing?
Jellyfin and stick-it-in
I just set up lidarr with all artists I like listening to and tell it to download everything they’ve made. That’s how I have about 700gb of flac files
From what I’ve noticed while on commutes is that most commersial stuff is electric. Busses, company vehicles and other transportation has switched to electric, but long haul trucks have not. I assume that’s because of the energy density of diesel for stuff like transportation of heavy products.
I had some fun issue with inconsistent speeds a while back so I set up a docker container to periodically run a speed test and show that on a web gui. After about a month I stopped at ~200tb of network traffic both ways, not because I got a warning, but because I scared my isp shitless with statistics clearly illustrating them that they’re not delivering the service I pay for.
You’re not wrong… By becoming a fish, you get to escape life’s responsibilities like paying taxes and working.
I suggest you become a fish…
I assume this is because people link to other websites like Twitter, so twitter’s trackers get mixed in with analytics for lemmy
I guess one pro to decentralized federated instances is the fact that noone can block them completely. And if one gets blocked, another one can spin up and deliver the same content.
im just surprised that there weren’t any checks that could have prevented an unknowing customer from exposing their devices. Nothing on the fiber modem was labeled, so im kinda worried how many things could be potentially exposed
@kingshrubb every time an article like that drops, it amazes me how divided the US is. I just can’t wrap my head around how so many people would die for a fascist politician like that.