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Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I feel I’d be inclined to help the turtle in the scenario you describe; but since your question implies I’m not doing it, I guess I must be in a hurry for something really important. Or maybe there’s a bunch of bikers speeding between me and the turtle and I can’t get to it without getting crushed. Or maybe it’s an extremely creepy and off-putting turtle, like Morla from the Neverending Story.

  • In the manga, during the first duel against Kaiba, Kaiba uses the Blue Eyes White Dragon which he stole from Yugi’s grandpa (he didn’t even draw it from the deck, the bastar had hid it somewhere and just pretended to draw it when he was starting to lose). He didn’t have any other Blue Eyes White Dragon at this point. Also, they weren’t using holograms, but images of the monsters were manifesting because the Millennial Puzzle had turned this duel into a shadow game. Anyway, the dragon refuses to fight for a cheater and self destructs. Yugi then uses Monster Reborn to summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon from Kaiba’s graveyard on his side of the field and beats Kaiba with it, then brings it back to his grandpa. That’s where panels of Yugi holding this card makes sense. There are then many chapters that happen without Seto Kaiba or the cards appearing, until he returns to challenge Yugi’s grandpa and that’s where the animated series picks it up.

  • Apparently this condition exists and is called “locked-in syndrom”, tho I don’t know about the specific case mentioned here.

    Closest match my quick search revealed was Martin Pistorius Not everything matches, this one was had locked-in syndrome for “only” 12 years, but the symptoms check out. Apparently there’s a book about him called “Ghost Boy”, so maybe that’s where the other details are from.

    Christine Waddel was the longest case of the syndrom I could find, paralyzed for 15 years.

    I also found something closer to the 30 years claim, Rom Houben’s story… Which was a horrible hoax. A man had been in a coma for 23 years, and a psychiatrist claimed that he was actually conscious. He was provided a communication facilitor, used to communicate via a keyboard, and he shared his whole story… But that was all fake, the psychiatrist or someone working with him was writing these messages. But for several years, people wrote about this and believed it, you can still find articles from 2008-2009 that don’t really question the story. Maybe they’re quoting this story without having seen the refutations; but this still would involve some additions or errors on their part (Rom never recovered, for one).

  • The thoughts experiment are no different from the maths and wouldn’t have occurred in any context, or at least wouldn’t have come close to yielding the same conclusions. The most famous one was Einstein imagining himself riding a beam of light iirc. As you say, he imagined time and space stretching. Why would someone have imagined that in the 1600s? What reason was there to think riding light was any different from riding a very fast stream on a boat? Who knew then that you couldn’t just add the speed of lights to other speeds like you do in every galilean frame in Newtonian physics? You conceded that Fizeau’s experiments were a starting point. These experiments would’ve never happened without the questions raised by the discrepancy between Newton and Maxwell’s laws! And if they had, someone with no prior knowledge of Maxwell’s laws wouldn’t have had any interest or use for these results.

  • I think several other people have a better claim to that title, like Galileo Galilei and Roger Bacon. Bacon is one of the first to spell out the scientific method and Galilei… Well, you know what he did. I’d say Galileo is more Jesus-like because he was persecuted by the dominant church. And Galileo moved things a lot. Remember, Newton was born around the time Galileo died, he was born in a period of scientific upheaval. Galileo also introduced concepts that played a big role in Newtonian physics, like Galilean frames, the relativity of speeds, the idea that speed is conserved in the absence of a force…

    You could argue there was also a slow acceleration of progress before Galileo 's time, and also that Copernicus is another good candidate for example, but if you really wanna emulate the Christ-like narrative, Galileo seems better. He’s even named after a region where Jesus might’ve lived.

  • No it shouldn’t? Without Mercury’s orbit having been noticed, there was no need yet to question Newton’s theory, they simply worked as far as anyone could see; so why complicate it? And without the Lorentz transformation, the math Einstein used wasn’t there. And without Fizeau’s experiment, the fact that the speed of light is the same in every frame wasn’t known, and that’s a huge part of the theory. And if he had intuited it somehow, the Maxwell’s equations were even there either. Special relativity is at it’s core a way reconcile Maxwell’s equations with the core tenants of Newton’s theory. There was no way special relativity could’ve been found even half a century earlier, let alone over two centuries…