cross-posted from:

transcript [text overlaid on several pictures of benches and outside windowsills. the benches have bars, or gaps to prevent someone from sleeping on them.

text reads “Ban anti-homeless arctithecture”]


Hostile architecture is among the symptoms of the hostile modern city, where neighbours never say hi, and people die on the streets as people walk passivly by.

  • @AVincentInSpace
    1 month ago

    You can have formal and informal systems to help prevent unnecessary violencs under anarchism

    Okay cool, so like a set of people whose role it is to go after people who act against the interests of the group, and who are authorized to do that?

    they just need to avoid hierarchy.


    Ranger, my guy, we’ve already discussed why a society without hierarchy is not possible. If one group has the unique authority to exert control over bad actors, a hierarchy exists. If everyone has equal authority, whoever threatens the most violence will see everyone else capitulate.