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transcript [text overlaid on several pictures of benches and outside windowsills. the benches have bars, or gaps to prevent someone from sleeping on them.

text reads “Ban anti-homeless arctithecture”]


Hostile architecture is among the symptoms of the hostile modern city, where neighbours never say hi, and people die on the streets as people walk passivly by.

  • @AVincentInSpace
    11 month ago

    I’m not arguing against police reform. I agree that the police in their current state suck massive donkey balls, are not trained to de-escalate, frequently do things that would get an ordinary citizen five years minimum without so much as a slap on the wrist, and increasingly resemble a military more than anything else. I am sick to death of leftists pretending these problems extend to policing as a concept and working to abolish that instead of working towards a future where psychologists are called rather than SWAT teams.