The Republican nomineeā€™s temperament was exactly the scenario that his advisers were reportedly worried about.

Former President Donald Trumpā€™s volume slowly but surely ratcheted up over the first hour of the debate on Tuesday. He started off relatively calm, but as Vice PresidentĀ Kamala HarrisĀ needled him on his rallies, his standing in the world, andĀ his legal troubles, he eventually blew up.

There was no sign of him calming down as the debate hit the home stretch and, as a result, his answers began falling apart, drifting into the sameĀ disjointed, incoherent rantingĀ that Harris invited people to watch at his rallies.

  • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
    6 days ago

    You know, he could have gone down in history as the angry meme man who told people they were fired on TV; and his crimes and shitty personality would have likely gone overlooked until after his death. Instead, he ran for president and this is how everyone is going to remember him. Incoherent, rambling, unstable, stupid, out of control, and demented; all while being regularly trotted out in front of the media by his own party like heā€™s some kind of show animal.

    I donā€™t feel pity for him, but I canā€™t help but be amused at how he didnā€™t just shoot his legacy in the foot, he blew it up with a grenade.

    • Wytch
      78ā€¢6 days ago

      His legacy could have also been ā€œ80s real estate and business failure goes to prison for SA and financial crimes.ā€ Instead, we have a two-tiered justice system and he gets to climb onto Air Force One with toilet paper stuck to his shoe at 72 years of age.

      Weā€™re numb to injustice.

        29ā€¢6 days ago

        Yes, this is the correct take. He has been committing rapes and financial crime for decades. He should have been in prison long before 2016.

      1ā€¢6 days ago

      I actually do feel sorry for Trump but canā€™t excuse his behavior. He was twisted by his super evil father who drove the older brother to suicide. Donald Trump had every opportunity in the world but zero chance of being a normal human.