• This is the #1 reason I have a hard time considering voting for Kamala in a non-swing state. We’ve got ranked choice voting in the ballot, so I’ll definitely be voting, but idk if I’ll cast a presidential vote or not.

    I don’t endorse her, so why should I vote like it?

    • Cowbee [he/him]
      57 days ago

      If you’re at the ballot, might as well toss the vote in the direction of Claudia De La Crúz, assuming you’re a Leftist and she’s on your ballot. Third party votes do force the larger parties to make concessions in the next elections, generally.

      • Yeah, she’s been on my radar and I’ve heard some pretty good ideas and beliefs espoused by her and her running mate. Building leftist movements in a deep-red state is very much a “step lightly” action though, so I have worries that any overt socialist growth here will mean more attempted attacks on pride festivals by neo-nazis, and such. Hell, even mention of “antifa” brings out the crazies to roam the streets with rifles.

        • Cowbee [he/him]
          57 days ago

          The fact of the matter is that not organizing on the Left just allows the Neo-Nazis to feel emboldened. Even in a deep red state, there are many Leftists, and rather than just remaining silent it’s better to organize for your own protection.

          • Exactly what I mean. There is zero organizing going on for PSL in this area, so it doesn’t feel nearly as important to push for a socialist vote compared to other issues, like ranked choice voting and cannabis legalization.

            • Cowbee [he/him]
              47 days ago

              But still, you’re at the ballot. May as well cast the vote, if PSL gets over 5% it gets funding.