The Supreme Court was hit by a flurry of damaging new leaks Sunday as a series of confidential memos written by the chief justice were revealed byĀ The New York Times.

The courtā€™s Chief JusticeĀ John Roberts was clear to his fellow justices in February: He wanted the court to take up a case weighingĀ Donald Trumpā€™s right to presidential immunityā€”and he seemed inclined to protect the former president.

ā€œI think it likely that we will view the separation of powers analysis differently,ā€ Roberts wrote to hisĀ Supreme CourtĀ peers, according to a privateĀ memoĀ obtained by theĀ *Times.Ā *He was referencing the D.C. Circuit Court of Appealsā€™Ā decision to allow the case to move forward.

Roberts took an unusual level of involvement in this and other cases that ultimately benefited Trump, according to theĀ Timesā€” his handling of the cases surprised even some other justices on the high court, across ideological lines. As president, Trump appointed three of the members of its current conservative supermajority.

    213ā€¢4 days ago

    Iā€™d like to take a moment to remind yā€™all that Clarence ā€œIā€™m For Saleā€ Thomas turned down a FREE RV offered by Last Week Tonight. So heā€™s not corrupt. Heā€™s selective.

    Letā€™s wait and see how he votes on repealing

    Iā€™m sure heā€™ll vote his conscience

        45ā€¢4 days ago

        I think Oliver also offered him $1 million a year from Oliverā€™s personal moneys. Which is not an insignificant amount of money for a justice who isnā€™t corrupt.

          31ā€¢4 days ago

          In the past, he signaled heā€™d retire because he wasnā€™t getting paid enough, meaning he needed to be bribed to keep a conservative justice on the SCOTUS.

          If you take it at face value, then he should have jumped at John Oliversā€™ offer.

            21ā€¢4 days ago

            The only thing Thomas likes more than money is respect. He would never take Oliver money because it would publicly embarrass him. He hates embarrassment more than anything.

            • partial_accumen
              7ā€¢4 days ago

              Embarrassment suggests he has a sense of shame. He has already conducted a number of shameful acts already (taking gifts) without any sense heā€™s embarrassed.

                7ā€¢3 days ago

                When he was in front of the Senate confirmation hearing he was absolutely embarrassed. He knew everyone was watching while he was accused of sexual harassment. He basically stopped interacting with the media because he was so furious with how he was portrayed publicly. Dude hates being publicly shamed. Doesnā€™t mean heā€™s wise enough to stop doing shitty things.

                  3ā€¢3 days ago

                  Yeah heā€™s not shameless. You can say a lot of negative things about him, but he has a hell of an ego and being publicly criticized and embarrassed pisses him off. Though nothing seems to anger him like being pitied.

                  Shameless and integrityless are different things and he has shame but not integrity.

      10ā€¢3 days ago

      Why take a bribe from John Oliver, who would immediately turn around and disclose that Thomas accepted it on his television program, when he could just go ask Daddy Harlan Crow for an identical RV and then not disclose it?

      The Supreme Court is corrupt to the core. Thereā€™s an inability to hold them accountable for anything. The system of checks and balances functionally doesnā€™t exist for this ā€œapoliticalā€ branch.