The memes make themselves

    10012 hours ago

    i’m not a woman but something tells me that they wouldn’t want to be with a person who even remotely considers the idea of owning a robotic sex-slave.

      6110 hours ago

      … Can it do domestic labor or just sex? I am a woman and frankly I’d be interested in a robot wife… I’ve got my husband for sex but we’re tired of cooking dinner and cleaning the house. We’d both like a wife.

      2610 hours ago

      Most of those men were never that desirable on a personality level anyway.

      They think of women in transactional terms, where they only do what’s necessary to get laid.

      I think, especially the incel types almost live in an RPG. Women are just NPCs, you do some quests for them, fetch her father’s sword from the orc cave, hit the right speech options and if you gathered enough reputation, you get the ethereal pussy of power that gives +5 on mana.

      Switching directly to robots does make sense in that world.

        64 hours ago

        the thing i just cannot wrap my head around with these people is what the hell they’re after, they claim they don’t like women and yet they’re clearly thirsting after them.

        best i can guess is that they’re just profoundly mentally unhealthy and unable to realize that if they want a partner they should just… be desirable, which easy to get started with by learning how to cook and being nice to people.

          74 hours ago

          They see women as accessories, like a tie or jacket, and fundamentally less valuable than themselves.

          I think this is partly driven by a mixture of misogyny and low self-esteem. A woman on equal footing might threaten their very fragile self worth.

          So being a normal person would mean partial submission to a woman (because that’s just part of being in a relationship, you’re not always on top), but at the same time they feel the societal need for a woman, because only having sex makes them true men.

          And it’s also the typical self-victimization of fascist Ideologies. Nazis are victims of the Jews, current fascists are victims of immigrants or Muslims, incels are victims of Chad Thundercock.

          238 hours ago

          Do you talk about your worries and fears to the fleshlight beside your bed? Do you try and plan a future with the magazine you’ve made sticky?

          All to say I don’t care what gets your jollies off (legally of course) but there’s a huge difference between self pleasure and building a life with another human being.

          Maybe you’ll experience it some day.

            • Iapar
              21 hour ago

              It is more like that those people can’t get a real women because a woman is allowed to have a standard nowadays so they try to save face with “I didn’t wanted a real women to begin with. Bots are better anyway. I’m not lonely, you are lonely”.

            • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
              77 hours ago

              You’re just looking for somebody to hate.

              You’re supposed to look away from the mirror when you’re talking to someone.

          128 hours ago

          What a stupid question. Do you think people use sex toys as a replacement for emotional intimacy and shared life experiences or is this a self-tell that you think relationships are nothing more than sex?

            -77 hours ago

            Are you going to force people who own bots to use them for emotional intimacy and shared life experiences, or does your crystal ball tell you this will happen?

              6 hours ago

              I mean that seems hugely implied by the pictures in the above post no?

              Edit: oh you said forced. No? But I don’t see how that’s relevant. Why would you ask “Do you have sex toys?” In response to that comment?

      11 hours ago

      I mean, they would most likely also make a male version.

      And then we can all join in on the fun with both. Might even be able to do the more advanced Kama Sutra stances that are normally reserved for orgies.

      You can bet it will be someones kink.

    • trainsaresexy
      212 hours ago

      This makes me think of those whole torso dildos.

      If anyone reads this and owns one, please explain.

        • trainsaresexy
          15 hours ago

          I think I’m poking fun of torso dildos. I usually have a tenga in my drawer.

        611 hours ago

        Robot wives are pretty much exactly what the whole torso dildo is. Only, someone who has the whole torso dildo isn’t taking it out to dinner and dancing and showing it off like it’s trophy.

        • trainsaresexy
          15 hours ago

          No no it’s like a human body without any limbs.

          I guess now that I think about it the limbs would be flaily and weird. I don’t think there is a head either, just the torso.

          If you’re not familiar with this there are dildo conventions that showcase all the latest and greatest.