Seriously I’ve seen a guy see a bunch of pixels and go “Idk but that reminds me of Mexico” and he was right. There’s no way the three letter companies wouldn’t want that kind of skillset, right?

    • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
      14 hours ago

      It has a practically infinite set of images. Seriously, I’ve seen people do geoguesser and get nothing but back roads in the middle of basically Anywhere, Earth; I’ve seen people get stuck inside malls, go into caves, walk down random-ass rabbit trails in the middle of a forest surrounded by miles of fucking nothing (I wish I could remember what video I saw that in, it was fucking insane). Geoguesser pulls from the full catalog of Google Street view images, and there are a lot of street view images.

      9 hours ago

      Like the other guy said, it’s street view. So the number of images isn’t quite infinite, but it’s high enough that just memorizing the images isn’t realistic.

      Because of that, though, road patterns are a solid chunk of what the really good players are looking for/at. There’s definitely more to it than that, but because of the nature of the game there’s almost literally always a road in view.

      • My guess is that some memorization exists, check the geoguesser grand finals, there was one play where both players marked the exact same spot with absolutely no clues another that “maybe Mongolia”.

          6 hours ago

          There’s definitely memorization, but there’s just a ton of tricks that aren’t explicitly memorizing the images themselves.

          They can sometimes narrow down the area based on the car that’s taking the images, or how wide the lens is. As a made up example, if they see a red toyota corolla is the car taking the photos- which they can tell based on the mirrors appearing- they know it’s specifically mainland Malaysia.

          Very small context based clues a lot of the time.