mine was when i was 13. i always thought one of my friends in middle school was good looking…too good looking. a month later we had a sleepover and he took his shirt and shorts off to change… and that confirmed it. side note, did anyone else find the guys on underwear really hot? when i get new underwear, i kinda can’t help but stare at it for a bit until i remember that i’m in public and people could notice that i’m staring. also, i’ve recently fully accepted myself as gay and that’s really helped me mentally. for a few years i would beat myself up about it out of shame. anyways, i was just curious about when and how you found out you were gay?

  • Cas
    4 months ago

    For me, everyone else knew I was gay before I did. I want to say I finally figured it out when I was 14 or 15 and I met a guy in high school who I thought was really nice looking and quickly realised I actually just found him hot. Ironically a few years later after graduating I saw him on Grindr hahah but he was never particularly kind to me anyway so nothing actually came of that.

    I think I probably would’ve figured out I was gay way earlier if it hadn’t been drilled into me by my parents at an early age that it was absolutely NOT ok to be gay and also I definitely wasn’t gay no matter what anyone else said. They knew as far back as that but to this day they won’t acknowledge it cause they got those hardcore republican anti-gay values and whatnot.