• KoboldCoterie
    2 hours ago

    I know our electoral process is bullshit, and I believe our government is corrupt as hell.

    I’m also a pragmatist. I can either work within the confines of the system we have to try and effect the least harm possible, or I can register a protest vote now in hopes that some time in the future it’ll help fix things. I’m taking the first option.

    If we manage to change the voting system to allow for third party votes without sabotaging our own self interests in the meantime, I’m all for it. If third party candidates want to run for lesser offices where they have a chance of being elected and have a chance of making a difference, I’m all for it. But voting for a third party candidate for president, or declining to vote as a protest maneuver, is simply the worst option. It’s looking for a long-term solution to a very short-term problem, and I simply can’t see any good argument for taking that approach.

    Electing Trump right now is ‘tearing it all down’, but not in the way I want.