In short, we aren’t on track to an apocalyptic extinction, and the new head is concerned that rhetoric that we are is making people apathetic and paralyzes them from making beneficial actions.

He makes it clear too that this doesn’t mean things are perfectly fine. The world is becoming and will be more dangerous with respect to climate. We’re going to still have serious problems to deal with. The problems just aren’t insurmountable and extinction level.

    11 months ago

    Yes but my point is that the world is already burning… People are dying… Homes are sinking into the ocean… Countless species are being lost. Pray tell, when is it bad enough that it is no longer sensationalistic?

    Oh, if only people were as passionate about abortion. I mean, they’re not killing that many babies, right? Why the fuss?

    Edit: also, 1.5 C is catastrophic. Millions will move or die. Refugees will be pouring out of countries in numbers like we’ve never seen. Food production won’t keep up with demands. Entire ecosystems like corals will be decimated and survive in only tiny pockets. Stop me if I’m being too hyperbolic and making anyone feel paralyzed with inaction though. Better we gently sweep it under the rug as we have done since the 1970s, because then it’s not a problem!

      11 months ago

      Millions will move or die

      So not an existential threat to humanity, then.

      This person was picked for the job because their job is to encourage effective means of fighting climate change, and encouraging hopelessness is not effective.

      We are likely to see 1.5C. The world will go on, because it has to. Being prepared to deal with 1.5C means not assuming 1.5C is the end of the world.

      Stop me if I’m being too hyperbolic


          611 months ago

          If that’s what you took away from my post, it’s an even better thing you’re a junior scientist and not running the IPCC.

            -111 months ago

            I’m sorry, do many people dying not constitute an existential threat to all of humanity? Like, are you seriously arguing the semantics?

            All I’m saying is that a gentle hand at the wheel hasn’t worked. It isn’t working currently. What we have now is a moderate response to an existential threat. We should have done a lot more a lot sooner. I guess 2 becomes the new 1.5…then 3 becomes the new 2… And if we lose a billion or so peeps, that’s ok. Just the cost of ensuring we’re not all wringing our hands bc the head of the IPC said not to… Whew!

            And thanks for taking a dog at my credentials. I’ll have you know my h index is looking mighty fine 😘