Why are you choosing Fedora over Mint or vice versa? What distro do you use and why?

  • 🧟‍♂️ Cadaver
    41 year ago

    I tried Fedora this year and really don’t like it. I’m sticking to arch/arch-based : the learning curve is steep but onse you get used to it it’s really efficient.

      • 🧟‍♂️ Cadaver
        21 year ago

        The fact that it is difficult to personalize, firstly. Coming from Plasma and before that Zorin, I find it hard to change the look and feel of the OS.

        Then there is the package manager. TBH, after having the Pacman/AUR combo, nothing ever comes close to it in terms of simplicity.

        Plus I don’t know but I find it bloated and laggy. But then again, maybe it’s just me. That’s the beautiful thing about GNU/Linux, it’s that yog can choose the distro that fits your needs.