So, do you have any fat fur characters? I don’t really have any characters yet…

  • Sloan the Serval
    11 months ago

    I’ve got one who’s specifically made as a fatfur, though she’s not always huge. Her main thing is partying. And eating. And ending up about two to three times her starting weight by the end of it. Her name is Loha and she’s a Risan Caracal (a vanity pet from Star Trek Online, if you’re not familiar).

    Normal size:

    At her biggest (as of this post):

    I’ll also sometimes fatten up my other characters and my three 'sonas, usually in more silly ways like magic or instant weight gain potions, or just inexplicably. Though I am doing a slow-paced realistic gainer AU series with my main fursona, and one of my secondaries was an onna-zumo wrestler at one point in her life.