My account is on and i’m trying to comment on the latest discussion thread on, but as the gif shows, the comment box doesn’t react to clicks. Other things seem to work fine.

Perplexingly, every other thread that i can find on lets me comment normally, it’s just this one thread where the box doesn’t react. That would imply that this thread in particular has a comments limit, but i can’t see any indication of that.

Apologies if i’m being the big dumb, it’s true that most computer issues are between the keyboard and the chair

I will log off for today and try again tomorrow, i have a whole rant ready in my mind god dammit

    111 months ago

    Also while we’re here i’m noticing this, the & got lost somewhere on the way

    Is there a bug report channel?

    • Awoos the Kinkwolf
      211 months ago

      It’s a known issue in Lemmy 0.18.3 (presumably as a result of fixes to stop the same attack that happened with emoji a while ago). I don’t have the issue number to hand, but I’m pretty sure it’s listed in the known issues somewhere.