Tell us what songs that aren’t explicitly trans resonate with you!
For example, I challenge anyone to listen to Dream Theater’s The Spirit Carries On, imagine it’s your old self singing to you, and tell me you don’t get The Feels (that includes you, boys!). And alright, I admit that album’s pretty borderline, but I hope you get the point.
I find King Gizzard’s most recent album, Flight b741, extremely relatable. Almost terrifyingly so. Not sure if everyone would relate to it the same way I do, but nearly every song speaks to my experience as someone finally coming out after about a decade of being in the closet.
Realizing that being cis was just a mirage. Finding the place where you truly belong. Experiencing life for the first time as yourself. Wondering how you got this far and how you’re still going. Attempting to present yourself to the world and feeling happy yet also having a nagging feeling that everyone just sees you as a pig in mud. Realizing the flight ahead is a long and painful one which may lead to an early death, but you can’t imagine going back and as scary as it is, you’re not gonna bail out…
I just… Fucking hell. I know it’s probably not supposed to be read that way, but it’s way too relatable when framed like that.