Unironically I read through your whole link and found no mention of anything related to “better at dealing with being sick due to hormones”.
Either you linked the wrong article or you’re making stuff up.
The closest in there was
The gender differences in the biological determinants of health and illness include differential genetic vulnerability to illness, reproductive and hormonal factors, and differences in physiological characteristics during the life-cycle.
But it goes on to talk about tropical diseases like Malaria, chronic health issues like heart disease, and mental health issues.
I came here to make the same comment. Glad I didn’t misread it, I couldn’t find that specific statement in the article that would lead me to that conclusion.
It is an interesting read, but there are clearly numerous factors at play.
I don’t know about the hormones part, but it is a well documented discrepancy between the perceived level of discomfort between men and women when sick.
Unironically women are better at dealing with being sick due to hormones. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3013263/#%3A~%3Atext=Generally%2C+men+are+more+vulnerable%2C%2C+kidney+disease%2C+and+atherosclerosis.
Biology’s wild
Unironically I read through your whole link and found no mention of anything related to “better at dealing with being sick due to hormones”.
Either you linked the wrong article or you’re making stuff up.
The closest in there was
But it goes on to talk about tropical diseases like Malaria, chronic health issues like heart disease, and mental health issues.
I came here to make the same comment. Glad I didn’t misread it, I couldn’t find that specific statement in the article that would lead me to that conclusion.
It is an interesting read, but there are clearly numerous factors at play.
https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/man-flu-really-thing-2018010413033 covers some possible interactions between hormones and flu, but the vibe I get from it is that the topic is understudied.
Thanks, yeah, looks like it
I don’t know about the hormones part, but it is a well documented discrepancy between the perceived level of discomfort between men and women when sick.
Yeah, I’m not doubting that necessarily, I was just pointing out that “well documented” was not what OPs comment was.
Yes and men are better at recovering from injury. Testosterone causes both effects. It’s a tradeoff!