The summer is coming soon to the Northern Hemisphere. How do you plan to combat the heat? I live in a regular apartment without air conditioning, and installing a full-scale system is not an option. I wonder what my options are, and how other people are planning to deal with the issue.
Funny you’d say that, as we actually get what we call “Nosferatu spiders” in Germany quite often in our house. I don’t really mind them though, the occasional mosquito is much more annoying. We have nets on some of the windows though.
Apparently they’re called Fox Spiders in other places. It looks like a ‘wolf’ spider from here, but that’s apparently a common mis-identification. The two species love to hang out in wood piles and in corners and chase prey.
It looked like a few of the formerly-Tenegeria spiders we have here - Domesticus, Agrestis and Gigantica - which now all have new groupings I don’t care to learn. Thankfully none of those jump. But, then again, the jumpers are the only cool ones (eg Salticus scenicus and other spider-bros).