I mean, there are two side of the argument.
Pragmatically, fleeing would save your life.
But ethically, it feels cowardly. (I’m not calling anyone a “coward”, its just how I internally feel about such an act, if I were the one doing it)
I mean, there are two side of the argument.
Pragmatically, fleeing would save your life.
But ethically, it feels cowardly. (I’m not calling anyone a “coward”, its just how I internally feel about such an act, if I were the one doing it)
It’s a very valid question and I think it comes down to an individual’s situation and circumstances. Not many can afford to actually leave or have family, friends, other ties to their home that they cannot emotionally afford to leave. Others struggle in how they can support efforts to fight for their rights or simply don’t have the physical or emotional reserves to make such a fight. I think the only truly ethically irresponsible answer would be to do the opposite that you are able and willing to do. I could never judge someone for leaving or for staying; it’s not really a mark of their character.