• BraveSirZaphod
    711 months ago

    other than unwillingly casting my vote for him if need be.

    For whatever it’s worth, as a gay guy with trans friends that have had to flee our home state because of GOP policies, that vote is more than enough for me. I’m more on the normie shit-lib side of online political discourse, but we do still have a lot more in common than with the GOP, and we can come together to work on common goals and prevent a lot of very real harm from happening. I know political progress is a lot slower than you (or I, for that matter) would want, but still, it is genuinely appreciated.

    • HousePanther
      11 months ago

      If you consider yourself to be “shit-lib” then we have nothing in common because I want to put a terminal end to both parties and breakdown and rebuild our society from the ground up. Both parties are terrible for different reasons. One impedes progress through tokenism and incrementalism and celebrating that as a victory. The other party are Christofascists. You and I are nothing alike. Note that I am purposely leaving your identity out of this because one thing I feel strongly about is LGBTQ+ rights. People identifying as LGBTQ+ would flourish in a system where one party (i.e. the Democrats) does not use you as pawns and the other party (i.e. the Republicans) does not want to relegate you to an underclass.

      • BraveSirZaphod
        711 months ago

        Well regardless, it’s appreciated. Not living under Christofascism is personally something of a priority for me, and I imagine it’s not hugely appealing to you either, so even if that’s the only common point (which honestly, I do rather doubt), I’ll take it.

        And hey, if a realistic revolutionary path does open up, I’ll at least be open to the conversation. I’m a bit skeptical of that happening anytime particularly soon, but I’ll have an open ear should the opportunity arise.

        • HousePanther
          111 months ago

          I’m not a violent person but if our society becomes an analog to Talibani Afghanistan, I won’t go down without a fight. Better to die fighting than die in a Christian re-education camp.