For me, it was the OG Nintendo Entertainment System, NES. My first game was Super Mario Brothers and Duckhunt. I still refer to any switch as a “gameboy.”

  • Laurentide
    2 years ago

    That’s a surprisingly difficult question to answer. The first console I ever played was likely an Atari 8-bit computer, as I have an older brother who still brings up the fact that toddler me broke it by yanking the cartridge while it was on. I don’t remember any of that, however.

    The first console I remember playing on was an Atari 2600, also belonging to my older brother. He bought up lots of games for cheap after the Great Videogame Crash so we had several cassette-tape racks full of cartridges. I remember playing a lot of Asteroids and E.T., watching my brother play Star Raiders and fight the dragon-duck in Adventure, and being scared of the game over sound in Missile Command. (Why was it so loud!?)

    The first console I actually owned myself was an NES. My parents got me the Super Mario/Duck Hunt bundle for Birthmas one year, and we soon picked up Zelda as well. Unfortunately, they also decided to give away all the Atari stuff because they assumed having a new console would make me not like the old one anymore. It did not.