• Awoo [she/her]
    011 months ago

    The Soviet Union and The People’s Republic of China are #1 and #2 for the greatest reductions in poverty and improvements to living standards in human history.

    This is a factually true statement. You should check it.

    • Unmarketable Plushie
      111 months ago

      Stalin would’ve thrown you in a gulag for being a “sexual deviant” if you lived in the Soviet Union during his reign. In China you are just straight up not allowed to get HRT unless you have a clean criminal record and your ENTIRE FAMILY approves on top of the standard medical gatekeeping. If even one family member disapproves of your transition (which is almost certainly likely considering how popular transphobia is there) the government is like “nope sorry can’t help you there” and will throw you in prison if you try to get HRT by other means.

      I do not know why the fuck you want to lick boots that would kick you in the face.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        11 months ago

        So? The europeans were imprisoning and chemically castrating us at the time. It was queer people in the GDR that caused a lot of the social movements that improved Europe on lgbt issues in fact. Here’s a great video on that topic.

        You are yet another liberal that only views history by comparing it to the present instead of within its correct historical context.

        I also don’t see what it has to do with the previous factually correct statement. You are desperately diverting away from the point.

        • Unmarketable Plushie
          111 months ago

          China is a modern country. Why does it have such backwards laws on transition?

          Tell me Awoo, tell me.