The US Copyright Office offers creative workers a powerful labor protective.

  • Skolanthropy
    -411 months ago

    So could anyone and everyone all at once. In a copyrightless scenario, the sheer force of the creative effluence would drown out the power of HBO.

    It is the artificial monopoly that can be sold via copyright licenses that generates the massive profits for these media tycoons in the first place.

    • JohnEdwa
      511 months ago

      But there would be no-one to do so. In a copyrightless world George R.R Martin would need to have another job to pay the bills and wouldn’t be able to dedicate his time for writing, and HBO or anyone else pouring massive amounts of money to create shows also wouldn’t be able to exist as they would gain no profit from what they do as their creations would also be in the public domain. Unless you live in an utopia with universal income and replicators that completely eradicate any need for money or ownership of anything, copyright itself as a concept is vital, the issue is just how corrupted the current system has become - which is mostly due to the greed of Disney.