The creators of Lemmy are tankies and have some pretty despicable views, maybe we shouldn’t advertise giving them money.

I like the software, it feels cozy outside some communities from, and I hope someone forks it eventually, but for now removing the link should be easy to do.

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  • @awoooOP
    31 year ago

    Yeah, for real. They dress their stuff in lefitst ideas, just like TERFs do with feminism. The worst kind of tankie is one who shows no signs at all, you think it’s someone decent, maybe even worth recommending, and then they suddenly start going down and using whatever following they got to spread propaganda. It’s awful.

    • @black0ut
      11 year ago

      I’m sorry, I’m a bit out of the hook here, but what is a tankie? I know what TERFs are, but I’ve never heard the term tankie. Are they something like radical communists (given that it was mentioned the main source of them is

      • @awoooOP
        21 year ago

        Yea, they’re authoritarian communists specifically, so people who support regimes and ideas such as the USSR, PRC, NK, etc.