New research shows driverless car software is significantly more accurate with adults and light skinned people than children and dark-skinned people.

  • stopthatgirl7OP
    010 months ago

    I would say that’s not actually at all a relevant question, but a form of whataboutism, since this is looking at just driverless programs and comparing how they are with themselves, and what problems with programming and training models could result in that difference.

    • Ganondorf
      10 months ago

      a form of whataboutism

      Agreed. The argument of matching autonomous vehicle perceptions with human perception should be completely irrelevant. When an autonomous vehicle has that significant of a margin of error, who ends up being responsible for the accident? When humans are involved, the driver is responsible. Is a manufacturer liable in the event of all autonomous vehicle caused accidents? Guaranteed corporations will rally and lobby to make that not possible. The situations aren’t the same and a huge selling point of autonomous vehicles has always been that they should be the safest form of piloting a vehicle.