I wrote this mostly for myself, but I’ve always loved reading about other people’s con experiences, so here is mine. It’s got some videos too!

  • Saix
    510 months ago

    I loved reading this! I attended my first furcon in January of this year and I had a really similar experience. It was like you described, even with the social anxiety present there was something about being at a furry con that felt like home, and I could relax a bit easier!

    • KiangaOPM
      310 months ago

      I’m glad you had the same experience! Social anxiety is not something we can get rid of that quickly, but I think it did get a little easier with each day. Just slowly realizing: huh, all these people actually don’t want to hurt me? How weird! :3

      • Saix
        310 months ago

        Definitely! I walked away from my first experience feeling a bit sad that it was over, so I think that’s a pretty good sign that this is for me