Prosecutors are moving aggressively because the plea deal fell apart. But why did it fall apart?

    10 months ago

    He is being charged with a federal felony in the United States District court of Delaware for lying on a Federal form.

    I’m more interested in them following the money from Ukraine and China, but I guess it’s easier to hit him with a charge that us poors could just as easily fall foul of.

    The President can grant a pardon to a person who was convicted in a United States District Court, the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, or a military court-martial. Generally, a pardon is an expression of forgiveness. A pardon can help eliminate some of the consequences of a conviction.

    There is a less than zero chance that he will be held accountable anyway.

      10 months ago

      How many times did Jared lie on his SF-86 before his father-in-law said “fuck it, give him a clearance anyway”? And talk about following the money… oh boy.

        -210 months ago

        You seem to misunderstand me. I don’t give a shit about which side you cheer for. Corruption is corruption. Prosecute them both if they are guilty, but this article is about the Biden family, and that’s what I am leaving a comment about.

          10 months ago

          The article is about Hunter being prosecuted for guns and drugs, an entirely personal matter. You decided to complain that it’s not bringing Joe down for some other nonsense that never happened and speculation about pardons. That doesn’t exactly scream good faith discussion.

      710 months ago

      As far as the republican lead investigation has shown Hunter has received no money or bribe form anyone and, since I don’t think ALL republicans are complete morons, expecially in cases where they do have vast interests at stake, I tend to think that this should be the case.

      Would they have found definitive proofs of bribery or of foreign agents paying dues to Hunter for any kind of return I think we would have seen them in the open but, since this has not been the case, I think I can fairly certainly ascertain that Hunter has received nothing in return for nothing.

      But if you want to cling to the idea that he has sold anything to a foreign government while not holding any office in the USA government hey, you do you. Keep wearing your tinfoil hat and have a great life 👍🏻👍🏻

    • themeatbridge
      310 months ago

      If Hunter gets a pardon, it’s the last thing Biden does as president.