• @Stumblinbear
        -29 months ago

        I wonder how much of that is Google being worse and you making more complex searches because you’re older

          • @Stumblinbear
            9 months ago

            I wasn’t trying to “get” anyone. It’s genuine curiosity. Christ, dude. Send your toxic-ass Reddit attitude back to that shitty platform it belongs.

              • @Stumblinbear
                9 months ago

                Man you really think I’m being wildly more hostile than I am. It was genuine curiousity. It was in no way unnecessary, it wasn’t attacking you in any way, it was prompting a conversation. If you think every response to you that’s only tangentially related to what you said is off topic, then I fear for anyone who even attempts to have any sort of conversation with you at all. That’s how conversations work.

                Fifteen years ago my searches were limited to Minecraft and basic programming questions. Now they’re more like searching for specific research papers and other significantly more complex topics and I get much less useful results. Are they related? Who knows! It’s an interesting idea, though, which I was hoping to explore with someone who might be interested. But no, you decided to be whatever this is.

                Fuck, dude, get your head out of your goddamn ass. Learn how to talk to people. Fuck.